Summers in Calgary can be hot and humid, making air conditioning necessary for many homes and businesses. However, the constant use of air conditioning can result in high energy bills, which can be a concern for many people. Here are some energy-saving tips for air conditioning in Calgary to help reduce energy consumption and save money.

Use a Programmable Thermostat

Using a programmable thermostat can reduce energy consumption by automatically adjusting your home’s or business’s temperature based on your schedule. You can save energy and reduce your energy bills by programming your thermostat to increase the temperature when you are away or asleep. Additionally, modern smart thermostats can learn your patterns and preferences and adjust the temperature, accordingly, leading to even greater energy savings.

Upgrade to a More Energy-Efficient System

If your air conditioning system is old or inefficient, upgrading to a newer, more energy-efficient system can lower energy consumption and energy bills. Newer air conditioning systems are designed to be more energy-efficient, and some models are even eligible for rebates from utility companies. Additionally, upgrading to a more efficient Calgary air conditioner can improve indoor air quality and increase the value of your property.

Seal Leaks and Insulate

Air leaks and poor insulation can result in air conditioning systems working harder to maintain a comfortable temperature, leading to higher energy consumption and bills. Ensure your home or business is adequately sealed and insulated to reduce energy consumption. Seal any leaks around windows and doors and ensure that walls and attics are properly insulated to retain cool air and keep hot air out.

Keep Air Filters Clean

Dirty air filters can restrict airflow, making air conditioning systems work harder and consume more energy. Clean or replace the AC’s air filters regularly to improve efficiency and reduce energy consumption. Dirty air filters can also affect indoor air quality, causing respiratory problems and allergies.

Use Fans

Using fans can help circulate cool air throughout your home or business and reduce the need for air conditioning. Ceiling fans are an excellent choice for larger spaces, while portable fans can be used in smaller rooms. Using fans in conjunction with air conditioning can reduce energy consumption and save money on your energy bills.

Close Blinds and Curtains

Closing blinds and curtains can help block out sunlight and keep heat away. This can help reduce the need for air conditioning and lower energy consumption. Closing blinds and curtains can help protect furniture and carpets from sun damage.

Use Natural Ventilation

Using natural ventilation, such as opening windows or doors, can help reduce the need for air conditioning and lower energy consumption. During cooler hours of the day, open windows and doors to let cool air circulate throughout your home or business. However, close them during the hottest parts of the day to prevent hot air from entering your space.


By making these small changes, you can stay cool and comfortable during hot Calgary summers while saving money and reducing your carbon footprint.

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